Resolver is a SAT solver, or a scientific tool for finding solutions for boolean formulae. If a problem can be encoded as a boolean formula, solutions can automatically be found by the software. This is done using a state-of-the-art genetic algorithm and other heuristics. This software allows solving of complex problems in classical planning, automatic theorem proving and hardware and software verification.

Find out more at our GitHub repository.


Meet the Team
Dewald de Jager

Dewald de Jager


Tel: 081 361 0755


About Me:

My most defining characteristic is probably my perfectionism. Although this has proven to be both a strength and a weakness, I have learnt to leverage it into being the former.

I started programming at the age of 7, using Visual Basic, after one of my dad's colleagues had left some textbooks at our house. In my early teens I started doing freelancing work, mainly in web development, until I landed a part-time position at a game development studio (BrightMind Studios) based in Cape Town. I led a team of 3 as we worked on a series of brain-training puzzle games. My next position was quite a leap from the last. I was employed as lead designer for a 3D shooter game by a studio (Bonozo) based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I was in charge of making critical decisions and leading a team (40 - 50 people) of artists, developers, musicians and testers. After a few more years of freelancing I joined a South African media agency (MadePod) as head of development and equal shareholder. Our portfolio included Carte Blanche, Sage, Jacaranda FM and Netcare.

I eventually left to further my studies and focus on my own company. I am currently finishing a degree in computer science and working as a research assistant at both the System Specifications and Formal Methods (SSFM) research group and the Computational Intelligence Research Group (CIRG). I am a firm believer in being a life-long learner and am continually striving to improve myself. I value the opinion of others and think it can be observed in my daily actions that I aim to make the world a better place. I also like to think I have a good sense of humour. My skillset includes various programming languages (Though a new one is easily learnt), leadership, project management, technical expertise and practical engineering skills.


Ernst Eksteen


Tel: 072 442 4636


About Me:

I have a prior honors degree from the University of Pretoria in Information Design. This has given me a deep understanding of design principles, such as human computer interaction, basic philosophy and some psychology with regards to media and social interaction. I also have technical skills involving design implementation, ranging from Photoshop to basic 3D applications such as Blender modeling, to post-processing work in After Effects for animation. I worked for three years as a designer and animator at one of South Africa’s top production companies, Monarchy Productions, and thus I am no stranger to following clients’ brief and working towards mutual satisfying products that are to the best of my ability.

I am currently studying a BSc in IT to further my horizons and my interests, as I have a love for creative problem solving and find that both Information Design and Computer Science satisfy this. I strive to merge the two more closely though, once I start working again. I am particularly interested in A.I. but mainly in regards to its role of emergent narrative in gameplay, for I have always been interested in computer games and their study and development and I have a passion for all games ranging from board games to card games to role-playing games to video games, and it would not be an understatement to say that a lot of my career decisions and interests of study is affected by this.

I tend to be a more people and emotionally driven person than most other computer scientists, i.e. more feeling than thinking, and as such I enjoy working as a team and aiding in communication wherever possible, getting a kick out of others doing really well. I also hate giving up or admitting defeat to something I know I can overcome and as such I tend to be very driven and hard working.

My interests include: Computers, games of all kinds and their study (i.e. Ludology), illustration, painting, #D modeling and sculpting, Design, A.I., Robotics, Puzzles and Problem Solving, Human-Computer Interaction.


Vignesh Iyer


Tel: 079 798 8910


About Me:

I am currently completing the final year of my degree (BSc Computer Science). From a young age, I developed an interest in computers and as a result decided to pick Information Technology (IT) as one of my subjects in Grade 9. The interest was only further cultivated due to which I ended picking Computer Science as my field of choice.

Apart from the main-stream CS modules I have taken three elective modules - Compiler Construction, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Grpahics. I enjoy working mostly on back-end programming (i.e. more algorithmic in nature).

My academic record has been consistently of a good standard so far. I am generally a hard-worker by nature and am excited by the prospeccts of 301 Capstone Project. I look forward to work with the prospecctive client and user in delivering a successful final product.


Regan Koopmans



About Me:

I am third-year Computer Science student at the University of Pretoria. I have been interacting with computers as long as I can remember, and they have become an integral part of my life. I enjoy being challenged, and find the greatest satisfaction learnnig something new. I am continually inspired by the great Computer Science minds of modern history, and my colleagues around me.

In my second year, I worked as a technical assistant for the Computer Science Department, which entailed managing servers and developing the University's Computer Science website. I have also taken part in a number of programming competitions, namely the Standard Bank IT Challenge and the ACM Collegiate Programming Competition.

I am interested in Theoretical Computer Science, number theory and theories of computation. I am passionate about open-source software, and creating software that is not only conceptually engaging, but practically useful.


Craig van Heerden


Tel: 071 252 6999


About Me:

I am a full time computer geek and can't get enough of technology. I developed a interest in programming when a friend convinced me to take IT at school. I quickly found that I had an aptitude for programming an my love for solving problems with software grew from there. I always challenge my self to find new and innovative ways to solve problems I encounter.

Some of my skills include:

  • Web Development
  • Java Application Development
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Graphics
  • Networking

I have worked on a few web development projects like Faber Vervoer's website and ElecTech.

I also enjoy tinkering with my Raspberry Pi and building IoT projects with it. I have built a email to SMS API, a diy Steam Link and a few other smaller projects with the Raspberry Pi.

When I am not in front of a computer screen I enjoy outdoor activities like running, mountain biking and swimming.


© Imperium 2017